Saturday, July 23, 2011

I did something on the Alien Trilogy campaign.

I was curious about the nav mesh i made for L4D1. "Map Unplayable" you didn't.....but everything spawned as they, the infected would normally do. Finished the maps and i didn't think about it anymore, going to analyze them later.

I had the idea that making replacement textures for the maps would be fast and simple and done in no time....not really.
As i mentioned at the earlier post, i am going for my own design / art style for textures, but also trying to keep the old one intact. Keeping the detail that you might recognize but it looks different.

This is the old elevator door made by brushes...yes by brushes and not a texture.

This is the new door texture, looks like the original, somethings feels off though.

What a difference! Looks almost like the original, but different, which was my goal. 
Looks way better once the lighting comes in to play.

Quick Before                             And After

If you aren't familiar how the game looks, there you go.

Pylons got a face lift, a new floor texture. Plenty to do still.

I realized that i screwed up big time when it came to the ceiling before, so that had to be rebuilt.
Getting there. See the difference in the upper picture?

Its like night and day if you have the old and the new and comparing them side by side.

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