Monday, October 17, 2011

Custom skins for Special Infected.

These are only the skins, no campaigns.

Silent Hill Skins at Mediafire (Backup)
Silent Hill Skins at Dropbox (Updated)
Alien Skins at Dropbox (Updated)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

This is the End.

I've asked myself this question recently; Why did i still continuing creating Campaigns despite the issues?

The answer is simple in this case. I like to be creative.

That was then, but now, i am sick and tired of the negligence from Valve when it comes to Not Give Us the needed support that we need for L4D1 and 2. I have seen and also been told that the Team Fortress 2 community even GETS NEW ENTITY'S that they required for the their maps. The continued support for that game is ridiculous compared to any other Valve games.

People have waited over a YEAR for my new Silent Hill campaign....i have waited over 2,5 years for VALVE to get their thumb out of their ass to fix the BROKEN things that WE wanted to be fixed for so long. DON'T IGNORE the community Valve, because they will abandon you in a flash. I have been VERY patient and waited for something like a update or notification that lets us know if we should even bother continue waiting or even move on to something else. The HL 1 days are over when it comes to caring for the community.

The Alien Trilogy: Section 1 campaign is my very last breath (second chance) i gave to the fucks at Valve that ignores the simplest thing that was needed to be addressed. Took a year to give us the custom sound support for L4D 1 that WE ALREADY HAVE FOR SOURCE MODS?! Six months for the authoring tools when they frigging promised on day one.

The way Valve did to HAT Fortress 2 was clever....but you made me stop stop playing that game because of  that. Team Fortress 2 Died when you introduced hats and shit.

Stop giving the amount of praise to Valve that you do....

I have mentioned most of this once before i know and there are more this, but this is it though, my patience ran out long time ago.
Now i (will) enjoy BF3, Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Rage, Dead Island, Assassin's Creed Revelations and Guild Wars 2 (there are more games) when they come out. Now I'm going back to Fallout New Vegas to explore the rest of the wasteland.

I will also not have time for mapping anyway, getting myself  two kittens (i might have them right now when you read this) so they will require my attention for some time. Will post a picture of them here when i have them, you know "pics or it didn't happen".

Leafo signed out.