Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pictures from map two.

 I decided to draw a layout on a paper for the first half of map 2, so i didn't have to sit and think what i am going to build next all the time (the first map was already drawn and done in my head). I am like 25% done on the first half (since the second half of the map is done, more or less) and things are going smooth.
When i know the map is done, i am going add things that is less about running around and collecting keys to open locked doors and concentrate on things that concerns the story more. There are changes all the time, so i can't even predict on what to come.
I tried my best to include a soundtrack and sound effects that fit this map / atmosphere.

My best move was to rebuild the first half of this map, i never liked the old one at all.

Random pictures taken from map two (and the lighting is a bitch)

I still struggle with the lighting at some areas, i don't want it to dark or to bright.

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