Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Charger is the one i am gonna avoid more often in the future.

I didn't have anything in particular in mind when i did this one, i kinda went freestyle more or less.
There's a bit of the "Closer" and something from Silent Hill 4 that i cannot recall at this point.
When i think about it even more closely, this one kinda reminds me of One monster in Silent Hill: Origins, the color scheme is a bit of though, the slaughter house might say you something.


  1. You know what, i have an idea!) Maybe will do a sharp, naked bone instead of his small arm? =)

  2. If i was about to.

    Remodel the tiny arm to a completely naked skeleton arm.

    Make a texture map for that part.

    Create the actual texture for it.

    Get pissed of because of the compile refuses to compile the model.

    Reconstruct the whole model to the appropriate bones.

    Get furious / can't be arsed anymore and forgets about the whole thing.

    Sums it up pretty much and that is why there isn't a screenshot of the Pyramid Tank from in game at this point.

  3. Seems to be, it is very complicated...
