Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nothing much...

I haven't mapped or doing anything related to the project for awhile (three weeks), didn't feel like working on it since i also want to do something else then being in front of the PC 24/7.
I did however do some research about the state of Maine, getting pictures and info.


It is because the town i am rebuilding is heavily inspired by towns and areas located in Maine and mix that with the downtown area where I live.

  Convenience store from L4D1 that has been modified.

Deja vu? This is pretty close to the starting area from the SH campaign for L4D1.

Demonstration how lighting and shadows are being rendered with the color correction.

Hope this looks familiar.

I know Maine is a state, but i couldn't resist to include that :)


  1. Looks good, can't wait when you will finish =)

  2. I don't get it, why did you do the sidewalk "made ​​of bricks"?)

  3. Maybe its a placeholder texture. Those bricks are on top of the texture browser in Hammer, easy to pick.

  4. Kalevispetke
    You mean that type of textures set in Hammer by default?

  5. The sidewalk is made of bricks and it is intended to look like that. If you search for Maine on Google (or any other places you know of), especially Portland in Maine, you might see that it is very common there.
    Most houses especially at the downtown area are mostly made of red bricks (same with the sidewalks), compare that close to the harbor where the houses are made of wood and are smaller in size.
