Saturday, February 5, 2011

I will post in game pictures when i got the lighting and stuff right. I hope these will be more then fine.
These are taken from the new town i decided to rework.



  1. Wow, looks amazing. I wonder how long has it taken to create this? Is it now a combination of SH1 and SH2 towns? I can't recognize the streets anymore...

  2. This town doesn't exist in any of the games. I am taking references and ideas and mix them with a real life references of harbor towns.
    The state of Maine is the inspiration of that (Read a lot of books from Stephen King, Twin Peaks and so on), so far this is nowhere near that.
    I am also taking my downtown area into this mix to give it a more realistic feel that contains a foreign language in it to raise the bar even more.
    There are lot of stuff going on here.

  3. Ok. I just recently watched the face lift videos again and now I saw those swedish buildings in there, nice! That must be the real life area. This is probably gonna be a very interesting town :D.

    Another thing I would like to know is how did you work out the scale of the streets and buildings in the original L4D1 Old SH town? How did you get everything to be the right size? I would quess you took a timer and measured how long it takes Harry to walk a street in the psx game, then see how far a L4D character moves in that time. Bit hard to explain but I hope you understood.

    Or maybe you hack into the psx game and open the town model in a 3d program? Dunno if it is even possible...

  4. The scale was easy to figure out, counted square blocks as 48/96/144 depending on size, so when created buildings, houses and street blocks it wasn't a problem.
    To measure the width of the street was by eye, i also cut the road size by half in the campaign compared to the game.

    Those Swedish buildings are indeed a part of the downtown area where i actually live.
